Vic­to­ri­an Ener­gy Upgrades can help you save mon­ey on upgrade costs, reduce your ener­gy bills and help the environment.

In-home dis­plays make it pos­si­ble for you to mon­i­tor and check your house­hold ener­gy use by show­ing the data from your smart meter.

An in-home dis­play means you can mon­i­tor your elec­tric­i­ty use as it occurs. The prod­uct can help you under­stand and man­age your ener­gy use and reduce ener­gy costs.

The Vic­to­ri­an Gov­ern­ment is com­mit­ted to help­ing Vic­to­ri­an house­holds and busi­ness­es reduce their ener­gy costs. We are help­ing you receive rebates or dis­counts through busi­ness­es accred­it­ed under the pro­gram (Accred­it­ed Providers) for installing in-home dis­plays through the Vic­to­ri­an Ener­gy Upgrades program.

All Vic­to­ri­ans are eli­gi­ble to participate.

SOURCE: www​.vic​to​ri​anen​er​gysaver​.vic​.gov​.au