We are all about con­nect­ing neigh­bours, fam­i­lies and friends to make the move and start sav­ing on their ever increas­ing high pow­er bills.

Neigh­bours Con­nect is your solar pow­er bro­ker. We do the work for you, sourc­ing qual­i­ty prod­ucts at reduced prices across a broad spec­trum of Solar Retail­ers that ser­vice the whole of Australia.

Con­nect us with a refer­ral for a solar sys­tem and we will give you a $400 vouch­er for each referral*

*Con­di­tions: Vouch­er form (Usu­al­ly Visa Card) is at the dis­cre­tion of Neigh­bours Con­nect and is only valid for suc­cess­ful­ly installed solar sys­tem from refer­rals named. Vouch­er will be post­ed to the above address once full pay­ment has been received from refer­ral. I, (Cus­tomer above) autho­rise the below refer­rals to be con­tact­ed. Offer valid to Decem­ber 31st 2023

Your Name

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