At Neigh­bours Con­nect, we are all about con­nect­ing neigh­bours, fam­i­lies, friends and busi­ness­es to make improve­ments to their homes, their every­day lives and start sav­ing on their ever-increas­ing high pow­er bills. Neigh­bours Con­nect source qual­i­ty prod­ucts and installers across a broad spec­trum of indus­tries that ser­vice the whole of Aus­tralia with a com­mon goal in mind, mak­ing your home bet­ter! Util­is­ing strong mar­ket­ing medi­ums such as Online Mar­ket­ing, Dig­i­tal, EDM’s or Fly­er Drops, we bring the busi­ness to many dif­fer­ent clients through­out Aus­tralia includ­ing the Clean­ing, Food Deliv­ery, Home Improve­ments Ener­gy Sav­ing indus­tries and a whole lot more!


Find out what our sat­is­fied cus­tomers have to say